Momoland - 6 - The Pain of Forgotten Love


Pain of forgotten love

Catalpa , having followed Ariana and Sami when she heard a crash of saucepans downstaurs, rummaged through the kitchen drawers, and nearly laughed when 
she saw dear old Sami with a saucepan, and cardboard tied onto his chest. Ariana giggled, and smiled at him.
"Sami, you look fit to fight!", she announced, and Sami's cheeks reddened in pride. Mikey came in and picked up Sami, twirling him around.
"Hey girls!".
"MIKEY!", Sami grinned.
"Liam's upstairs! Mommy and Daddy are out, they're at some party!".
Mikey nodded.
"I'm babysitting for you. I did say Irene jr could do it, but she wanted me to help you and Payne sleep."
Mikey called Liam Payne as his nickname, based on the singer Liam Payne, who Liam had taken an immense liking to once discovering he was his namesake.
"Hey boys, I have another James Bond film for you... it's that one you like when James Bond is with - "
He was cut off by a gu7nshot and a scream. It sounded distant, but as he watched Ariana pale, Catalpa's eyes widen, and Sami gulp, he was sure it was in the house, and rushed upstairs. It was 6 flights of stairs to the boys room, so he chedcked in on Georgia.
"Hey! What are y-", she began, and saw there faces. She pulled on a robe and followed them.
"Was there anyone in the kitchens?".
"No Georgie. Nobody."
They retrieved Irene jr.They finally reached the 6th staircase, but by then everyone was tired, so they settled on the first step. 
"A rest everyone!", Miley puffed.

So rest they did, till they heard Sami scream, and his broken sobs echoed through the houise.
There was Liam. Lying dead in a blanket of blood.

Emaan Basharat


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