Summers Dream by Cathy Cassidy

Summer's Dream is the perfect girly read! Let me give you a long run - through .... warning: contains spoilers! Summer Tanberry is pretty, cool and popular. She's the girl everyone wants to be. She is close to her twin sister, Skye, and they confide everything to each other. But when their parent's divorce and their father moves to Australia, Summer finds herself drifting further and further away from her twin. When Skye admits that she'd never shared Summer's love of dancing, Summer finally realises that she can't tell her sister everything.
However, luck strikes and Summer's dancing teacher Miss Elise selects her as one of the few to compete for a place at a new dancing school, Rochelle Academy. Summer’s talents are pushed to the limit as she tires herself out practising day in, day out.
When Summer begins to worry about her weight, she has nobody to talk to and finds herself slipping. Forgetting everything she has been advised against, Summer does everything she can to lose weight and begins to eat ‘rabbit food’, feeding anything else to Fred the dog. Summer thinks she’s lucky that nobody’s noticed, but one person has slipped her gaze. Her ‘podgy’ friend Jodie from Miss Elise’s dancing classes has been watching her eating habits and is getting more and more worried. Finally, she confronts Summer about it, who agrees to eat something from the cake shop. But she is overwhelmed when Jodie comes out with a huge chocolate cake and runs off.
Above all, Summer has a boyfriend who has no idea what she’s going through. Aaron is the boy everyone wants to be with, but Summer is wondering if he’s really that good. When she discovers that the only romantic thing he had ever done for her wasn’t really him, she starts the process of breaking up with him. But Aaron isn’t getting any of the signs, so Summer resorts to confiding in the class clown, Alfie. However, she discovers Alfie isn’t really the comical nut he makes out – he’s actually gentle and a good listener.
Things get worse when her rebel sister Honey decides it’s about time to tell Summer what’s really happening to her – anorexia. The confrontation happens in an old stable full of hay, where Honey has daringly been smoking – which sets the barn alight.
Summer is taken to hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation, and the doctors discover her condition. Summer is unable to take her place at the ballet school, due to her illness. In the middle of all this turmoil, the Tanberry family discover Honey has run away…
I strongly recommend this book to all Cathy Cassidy fans and also to anyone wanting a good girly read. 

If you want to check out Cathy's blog and website: click on the links below the pic:  WEBSITE


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