Checkmates by Stewart Foster

Book title: Checkmates
Author: Stewart Foster
Year published:
Rating: 4.8/5

Stewart Foster has written yet another heartwarming story, about the relationship between ADHD, diagnosed Felix Schopp and his grandad.

Felix's grandad is weird, and he and his best friends Rebecca and Jake know it. He keeps the curtains shut, has a pink car, and loves for Felix to mow the lawn, and clear up the patio. His grandad chalks up squares and numbers them. Felix thinks its some adult-like strategy to get his brain organized, till he tells his best friends Jake and Rebecca, who, spluttering with laughter, tell him its chess formation. Felix's love and interest in chess grow, and when he is chosen for the inter-school chess championship, his grandad follows his school coach. But when his grandad has a sudden shock and is taken away in an ambulance, Felix's view changes of him. Read through a heart-shattering finale that will warm you inside, and cheer you up when it feels bad.

I hope you enjoy the book because I certainly did!

Best wishes,
Emaan x

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