The Crowfield Curse

Image result for the crowfield curse

Book title: The Crowfield Curse
Author: Pat Walsh
Year published: 2010

The Crowfield Curse is a highly interesting novel by Pat Walsh, about a young boy called William who lives and accommodates with a group of monks, some nice, some not so much. He knows a secret. Somewhere in the tundra of weeds, twigs, and tall and short trees known as the forest, behind the Victorian abbey where he lives, beyond the dust-coated walls, and stained glass windows which pool rays of sunlight into the chapel area, there is a grave. And beneath the smooth carpet of deep white snow, lies something, a certain something I shall not give away, he thought could never die. Will isn't alone in knowing the bitter truth about the Crowfield Curse. Hidden in the light gloom of the dusk, someone else is watching...

Shortlisted for the Times children's fiction competition 2008, the tale starts with an unusual, yellow-eyed creature known as the hob... yearning for more? Quench your thirst by finding a copy of this amazing book, available in all good bookshops.

I hope you savoured the book, for I surely did.

Best wishes,
Emaan x


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