The Fowl Twins by Eoin Colfer

Book name: The Fowl Twins
Author: Eoin Colfer
Year published: 2019
Rating: 4.3/5

The Fowl Twins is what you could call a follow - up story from the series of the Artemis Fowl character, who was a young criminal mastermind when we saw him last. I think. Myles Fowl and Beckett Fowl are twins, by the mere fact that they were born with adjoined wrists, and have the scars, a sign of their bond, to prove it. Their parents have gone away, and their older brother Artemis is in space. So when they are put into the care of NANNI, and then they get into a helicopter with a knife - yielding nun, it surely causes some problems.

THE FOWL TWINS, which is available at all great book stores, is definitely an interesting read, and I would recommend it to a large variety of ages. I hope you enjoy this novel, because I definitely did, and I really hope this is just the first volume of many! 

Have an amazing day!

Best wishes,

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