Kick the moon by Muhammad Khan

Kick the moon is a powerful story written by Muhammad Khan. It follows the life of Ilyas Mian, and I have to say, I think its something many people of mixed race, or anyone who isn't white, will undoubtedly understand.

In this modern-day society, especially recently, we've seen a large display... of protests, anger, and fury at the way the BLM community is being treated.

As an Asian, I feel when Ilyas is called Elias, so like - Eliyahsssss - and it's really frustrating. You know, when someone walks up to you and says - Emun! Hi there!. Simple strategy - walk AWAY!

Kick the moon is one of the most gripping stories, and most... understandable, and realistic novel I have ever read. And this time I mean it.

The acclaimed author of I am THUNDER, this is all about Illyas Mian, whose in a bad spot at the moment, at the age of 15. He has his GCSEs looming, trouble with his sister and a certain gangster called Zaman, who was the cousin of Imran Akhtar, acclaimed rebel of his school.
And then his mates don't care, and he's forced into certain things he would regret later on...

And when Imran takes Kelly under his frightening but lure some charm, that's when he has to do what he can
And them a comic comp comes
he makes a new hero...

I cannot say more!

This is a magical story that I just HAVE TO RECOMMEND TO YOU!

Or seriously, I'll blow up!!!

Goodnight, I hope you enjoy tomorrow x



Review: Kick The Moon - as told by zaheerah


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